Threats and problems of the wetland

Threats and problems of the wetland

Despite the great importance and value of wetland ecosystems, the life of these ecosystems are always threatened and endangered by numerous factors. Almost all the problems and threats of facing the wetlands are due to human activities in the margin of wetland or in its drainage basin area. Threats and problems of Solduz Wetland can be classified into three groups: economic, ecological and cultural factors.

  • Inflow of urban and rural wastewater into the wetland
  • Improper and excessive use of agricultural pesticides and chemicals around the wetland
  • Pollution in and around the wetland by tourists
  • Industrial pollution in the margins of the wetland
  • Transmission of common human and poultry diseases
  • Uncontrolled hunting near the wetland (fishing)
  • Uncontrolled grazing in the area around the wetland
  • Removal of bird eggs by shepherds
  • Eggs breaking due to livestock movements
  • Disruption of ecological and natural security of the region
  • Change of land use in the areas around the wetland
  • Weak management due to lack of facilities and budget
  • Occupation of lands around the wetland by farmers
  • Burning the reeds of the wetland
  • Lack of proper cultivation pattern in agricultural lands around the wetland
  • Unprincipled harvesting of water, soil and reed of the wetland
  • Insufficient protection of the wetland
  • Occupation of lands around the wetland by farmers
  • Lack of management in aquatic exploitation
  • Reduction of water inflows into the wetland
  • Low efficiency of irrigation of the surrounding agricultural lands
  • Irregular withdrawal of canal water
  • Lack of environmental water-right for the wetland
  • Low efficiency of modern irrigation
  • Natural disasters (drought)
  • Lack of sufficient knowledge of the communities about the functioning of wetland
  • Increased uncontrolled hunting and fishing for source of revenue
  • Low level of environmental literacy
  • Insufficient communication between stakeholders and management
  • Failure to hold conferences and exhibitions related to the wetland
  • Lack of studies in the field of environment and wetlands
  • Lack of training classes by authorities on the values and functions of the wetland